The more I add an event to the process, the better results I get.
Events by themselves are good, but it compounds when you add each event-to-a-process. And there has to be spaced-repetition, not just repetition.
That's the purpose of the Worksheet; sometimes called the Contact Circle Worksheet, sometimes the Stop-Wasting-Handshakes Worksheet...same worksheet.
Here's my typical process/flow/how-I-work-it....this is not an "exhaustive" how-to. But it does work! Not only do I get referrals (50% of my mortgage business comes from non-Realtor referrals).
Note: if in your initial meeting led to one-to-one, that will be worked appropriately into this worksheet.
Circle #1. Simple email
This is normally sent at least two days after meeting someone, but NEVER the same day unless they've asked for some VERY specific information.
If in your initial meeting led to one-to-one, that will be worked appropriately into this worksheet.
Look for opportunities to touch base with people via phone and/or email; confirm appoints, say hello.
This is NOT about asking for referrals right now.
Circle #2. One week later, I find them on LinkedIn, Facebook, Pinterest, Google+ or Twitter and connect with ONE of these....not two or three. Since LinkedIn and Facebook require their response, that's all right now. Twitter will allow my to follow them, so I'll simply Retweet something they've posted; they'll get a notice and that draws them into my world, hopefully.
Use handwritten notes. Review the 100+ Weapons/Events List.
Note: insure your Profiles on ALL your social media platforms are all set up so a person will land on the platform YOU want them to land on. More on that later or go to to read what the master has to say.
Circle #3. See #2 above and connect with ONE more. Also, I Google their name and see if they show up somewhere else online, review profiles, look for blogs, etc. is about building relationships
Circle #4. See #2 above and connect with ONE more. If I can't find them anywhere else online, then use #5 below.
(notice the SPACED REPETITION? can be a bit boring and seemingly uneventful...don't expect much feed back.)
Circle #5. Once I've connected with them on all the social media, I start sharing, commenting and liking a few of their posts; this is where your repetitive, but in a spaced-repetition mode. Don't spam or stalk. I might send a handwritten note, or call them.
Note: I'm also reviewing my list of 100+ Weapons/Events to think into how else I can be reaching out to them.
This is a choice you make to expand your Sphere of Influence (SOI)
You MUST not get your feelings hurt because you're not getting much, if any responses.
Marketing well is a series of events YOU control.
Circle #6. More of #5....but spaced out by at least one week.
Circle #7. A phone call might be appropriate by now. If not, then more of #5/6.
Circle #8. Same as #5, 6, and 7. Review Weapons/Events List.
How long does it take to go all the way around? Normally.......3 months!
3 - 4 months. I'm not rushing. There's a lot of business (I have an abundance mindset) and if I go slow, I'm expanding my SOI deeper...deeper. It's not all about width.
After working my way around the Circle, I decide if I want to keep on the process or simply add them to my database and send a monthly or quarterly e-newsletter.
Building relationships takes time - are you willing to be invested?
Reminder....the purpose is to get people to know, like and trust me. And it takes time. There's ALWAYS a sense of "perceived threat."
I welcome your comments.
Have a GREAT day!
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