Stop Wasting Handshakes

Jump, with Hope!

Those of you who've been through the classes this year have had a lot of stuff thrown at you. Some started in a 3 hour brain-dump and then a series of lunch & learns and workshops. 

Some have met with me one-to-ones, calls and webinars. 

This is a time of year that is good for reflection, it's good for planning....and it's good for purposing. It's a good time to think back over what you did, didn't do and wish you'd done. 

It's a good time to set goals and plan.

Make commitments right now , set dates, set appointments, pay for something you need to do next year...BUT!

Don't wait to "get everything ready."


Start moving, reach, stretch. Yes, it might hurt. You will stumble. You will fail in some way, form or fashion...and when you do, get up and go at it again - QUICKLY!

And your lid will be lifted in the process.

Achieving the goal is great, but you won't really know all the details until you get started.

Ponder right now. Plan, set goals and dream, but put all that into action with a sense of HOPE and anticipation of victory.

Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly until you LEARN to do it well.

Jump, with HOPE

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